Flat Races
- Age: 4m-6m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-9m
- Height: ≤12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-9m
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9m-12m
- Height: ≤12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9m-12m
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
No cross entering any other racing class
- Age: 11y+
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: Lara Thomason
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Steeplechase Races
Puppy and Senior races over low hurdles, up to 8”; Adult and Veteran Races over higher hurdles, over 8” up to 16”.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-9m
- Height: ≤12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-9m
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9m-12m
- Height: ≤12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9m-12m
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
No cross entering any other racing class
- Age: 11y+
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned up to 12½" puppy racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned over 12½" up to 15" puppy racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned 10" up to 12½" senior racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned over 12½" up to 15" senior racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned 10" up to 12½" adult racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned over 12½" up to 15" adult racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned 10" up to 12½" veteran racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to 1st place winners of sanctioned over 12½" up to 15" veteran racing classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to any youth aged 5 through 9, handling a Jack Russell Terrier, six months of age or older. This class is offered as an introductory experience in handling and learning about the Jack Russell Terrier. Judged on child’s ability to present his/her dog and beginning knowledge of the Jack Russell. Quality of the dog NOT to be considered.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 5y-10y
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any child aged 5 through 9, handling a Jack Russell Terrier, six months of age or older. Judged on the child’s ability to present his/her dog and knowledge of Go-To-Ground. To be run through the 10-foot Novice tunnel; time not to be considered. (Non-Sanctioned)
- Age: 5y-10y
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Awarded to the highest scoring and runner-up classes Child Handler & Child Go-To-Ground. (Non-Sanctioned) The points are awarded as follows: 1st = 8 points; 2nd = 6 points; 3rd = 5 points; 4th = 4 points; 5th = 3 points; 6th = 2 points; and participation = 1 point.
- Age: 5y-10y
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open to any youth aged 10 through 16, handling an adult Jack Russell Terrier. Judged on the youth’s ability to present his/her dog and knowledge of the Jack Russell Terrier. Quality of the dog NOT to be considered.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 10y-17y
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any youth handler aged 10-16 handling an adult JRT. Judged on the youth’s knowledge of hunting and the working terrier, and ability to answer questions presented by a JRTCA Working Judge; no terrier to accompany handler in class.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 10y-17y
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any youth aged 10 through 16, handling an adult Jack Russell Terrier. Judged on the youth’s ability to present his/her dog and knowledge of Go-To-Ground. To be run through the 10-foot Novice liner; time not to be considered.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 10y-17y
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Awarded to the highest scoring youth and runner-up in youth classes. The points are awarded as follows: 1st = 8 points; 2nd = 6 points; 3rd = 5 points; 4th = 4 points; 5th = 3 points; 6th = 2 points; and participation = 1 point.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 10y-17y
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
JRTCA Working Terrier Conformation
Sponsor: Shavano Creek Colorado
Open to any JRTCA registered terrier owned by a JRTCA member which holds a JRTCA Natural Hunting Certificate. Terriers entering the Working Section may not cross-enter into the Open Section; no cross-entering is permitted within the Working Section.
Sponsor: Briar Run Working Terriers
Open to any dog which has earned the JRTCA Bronze Medallion for Special Merit in the Field.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Working Terrier Bronze Medallion
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Working Terrier Dog classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Sponsor: Hunter's Moon
Open to any bitch which has earned the JRTCA Bronze Medallion for Special Merit in the Field.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Working Terrier Bronze Medallion
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Working Terrier Bitch classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Sponsor: Allstar & Down-N-Dirty JRTs
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Best Working Terrier Dog & Reserve and Best Working Terrier Bitch & Reserve
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Family Classes
Sponsor: River Bottom Terriers
Open to sire with at least 2, but no more than 3, offspring at side. Judged on Breed Standard and consistency of type. Stud dog must be intact; offspring may be intact or spayed/neutered.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to dam with at least 2, but no more than 3, offspring at side. Judged on Breed Standard and consistency of type. Brood bitch must be intact; offspring may be intact or spayed/neutered.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: Bona Venture terriers
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Stud Dog & Get and Brood Bitch & Produce.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Open to a minimum of 3 successive generations of breeding; second and successive generations must be bred by Exhibitor.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: ≤15"
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to Working Stud Dogs and Working Brood Bitches with at least two, but no more than three adult working offspring
at side. All terriers must have earned and received one or more JRTCA Natural Hunting Certificates.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: ≤15"
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
4 up to 6 Month Puppy Conformation
This class is for puppies 3 months old up to 4 months old. It is a “fun” class for you to showcase your up and coming pups.
- Age: 3m-4m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: River Bottom Terriers
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 4m-6m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 4m-6m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to the 1st and 2nd place winners of 4 up to 6 month Puppy Classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 4m-6m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
6 up to 12 Month Puppy Conformation
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-9m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9m-13m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to the 1st and 2nd place winners of 6 up to 12 month puppy dog classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Dog
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-10m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to the 1st and 2nd place winners of 6-12 month puppy bitch classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Open to the 1st and 2nd place winners of Best Puppy Dog and Reserve and Best Puppy Bitch and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Champion and Reserve Champion
Open Adult Conformation
No cross-entering is permitted within the Open Section. Cross-entering is not permitted between the Open Section and the Working Section.
Open to any adult Jack Russell Terrier owned and bred by the exhibitor; must be handled by the breeder under whose kennel prefix the terrier is registered or a member of the breeder’s immediate family.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Open Dog classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Dog
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Open to any adult Jack Russell Terrier owned and bred by the exhibitor; must be handled by the breeder under whose kennel prefix the terrier is registered or a member of the breeder’s immediate family.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Smooth
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Status: Intact
- Coat: Rough or Broken
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: Bonita Knickmeyer
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Open Bitch classes.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Sex: Bitch
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Open to 1st and 2nd place winners of Best Dog & Reserve and Best Bitch & Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Open to any adult JRT including those spayed and neutered. Those that are intact may enter the Miscellaneous classes and may cross-enter into regular conformation classes. Judged on breed standard unless otherwise noted.
Open to any adult Jack Russell which has never placed 1st through 4th in an adult regular or 1st in any Novice Conformation Class, at this or ANY prior sanctioned trial.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any adult Jack Russell Terrier bred in the State of Texas.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any adult JRT which has been spayed/neutered.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Status: Spayed or Neutered
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any adult Spayed/Neutered Jack Russell Terrier, which holds a JRTCA Natural Hunting Certificate.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Status: Spayed or Neutered
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Natural Hunting Certificate
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to the 1st and 2nd place winners from spay/neuter classes
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Status: Spayed or Neutered
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, Best and Reserve Best
Open to any Jack Russell Terrier six years or older. Judged on the Breed Standard and condition of the dog.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any Jack Russell Terrier nine years or older. Judged on the Breed Standard and condition of the dog
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Open to any adult Jack Russell Terrier, including those which have been spayed/neutered. The dog the judge would choose to take hunting to each quarry listed below.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
One entry for each group. Open to handler with *three* adult Jack Russell Terriers at side, one suitable to each quarry (Fox, Groundhog, Raccoon/
Badger). Placement based on the group the Judge would choose to take hunting.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Position, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: Lyle and Janet Pfost
Open to Jack Russell puppies 4 up to 6 months. Entry in Pre-Novice Puppy class does not affect the puppy's eligibility to enter the Novice Class after 6 months of age. (One minute to reach quarry; may leave earth and re-enter until quarry is reached; mark quarry for 15 seconds without a break in work and without leaving quarry.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 4m-6m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to Jack Russells 6 up to 12 months which have not scored 100% in this class at a previous JRTCA trial. Entries earning a score of 100% at this trial may, upon payment of the entry fee, enter the Open Puppy Class at this trial. (One minute to reach quarry; may leave earth and re-enter several times until quarry is reached; when quarry is reached must work quarry continuously for a full 30 seconds without a break in work and without leaving the quarry; may switch from one type of work to another (examples: baying to concentrated stare or digging to baying).)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to Jack Russells one year of age or older which have not scored 100% in this class at a previous JRTCA trial. Entries earning a score of 100% at this trial may, upon payment of the entry fee, enter the Open class at this trial. (One minute to reach quarry; may leave earth and re-enter several times until quarry is reached; must work quarry continuously for a full 30 seconds without a break in work and without leaving the quarry; may switch from one type of work to another (examples baying to concentrated stare or digging to baying).)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to Jack Russells 6 up to 12 months which have scored 100% in a Novice Go-To-Ground class at this or a previous JRTCA trial. Not open to any puppies which have previously achieved 100% in this class. Puppies earning a score of 100% at this trial may, upon payment of the entry fee, enter the Puppy Championship GTG class at this trial. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may leave earth once and re-enter before quarry is reached; must work quarry continuously for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry; may switch from one type of work to another.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to Jack Russells one year or older which have scored 100% in a Novice Go-To-Ground class at this or a previous JRTCA trial. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may leave earth once and re-enter before the quarry is reached; must work quarry continuously for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry; may switch from one type of work to another.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to Jack Russells, 6 up to 12 months which have earned 100% in an Open Go-To-Ground class at this or a previous JRTCA trial. A copy of a 100% Open score sheet shall be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and second place winners will be Puppy Go-To-Ground Champion and Reserve. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may leave earth once and re-enter before the quarry is reached; when quarry is reached must work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry; may switch from one type of work to another.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to any adult Jack Russell 10 up to 12½", one year and over, which holds a JRTCA Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and second place winners will be Go-To-Ground Champion and Reserve. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may not leave earth; work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Go-to-Ground Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to any adult Jack Russell over 12½" up to 15”, one year and over, which holds a JRTCA Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and second place winners will be Go-To-Ground Champion and Reserve. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may not leave earth; work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Go-to-Ground Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to any adult Jack Russell 6 years of age or older, who holds a JRTCA Trial Certificate. CROSS-ENTERING IS NOT PERMITTED BETWEEN CERTIFICATE CLASSES. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may not leave earth; work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Go-to-Ground Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to any adult Jack Russell 6 years of age or older, who holds a JRTCA Trial Certificate. CROSS-ENTERING IS NOT PERMITTED BETWEEN CERTIFICATE CLASSES. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may not leave earth; work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Go-to-Ground Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Sponsor: Lyle and Janet Pfost
Open to any adult Jack Russell 9 years of age or older, who holds a JRTCA Trial Certificate. CROSS-ENTERING IS NOT PERMITTED BETWEEN CERTIFICATE CLASSES. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may not leave earth; work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Go-to-Ground Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Sponsor: Rob & Deb Mahon
Open to any adult Jack Russell 9 years of age or older, who holds a JRTCA Trial Certificate. CROSS-ENTERING IS NOT PERMITTED BETWEEN CERTIFICATE CLASSES. (One second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may not leave earth; work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry.)
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Go-to-Ground Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Super Earth
Sponsor: FireN TheHole Jack Russell Terriers
A challenging GTG course with a series of false entrances and/or false tunnels and dens. Open to any Jack Russell Terrier 6 months and older. 1 second per foot of tunnel to reach quarry; may leave and re-enter earth several times until the quarry is reached and then must work quarry for one full minute without a break in work and without leaving quarry. May switch from one type of work to another without penalty. Electric timers are used - please note the electric timing eye we use makes a beep!
Puppies, 6 to 12 months who have earned 100% in the Open Puppy Super Earth Class at this trial may, upon payment of the entry fee enter the Puppy Championship Super Earth class at this trial OR may continue competing in Open Puppy Super Earth class at future trials. Winners of the Puppy Championship Super Earth will determine the Puppy Super Earth Champion & Reserve. Open Puppy Super Earth Class is not open to any Puppy which has competed in Puppy Championship Super Earth.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to terriers one year and older.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to terriers one year and older.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to terriers six years and older.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to terriers six year and older.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Open to 6 up to 12 month JRT puppies which have earned 100% in an Open 6 up to 12 month Puppy Super Earth Class at this or a previous JRTCA Trial. A copy of a 100% score sheet must be presented with pre-entry or be shown to den steward at the time of the class. First and second place winners will be Puppy Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to Jack Russell Terriers, one year and older, which hold a JRTCA Super Earth Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and Second Place winners will be Adult Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Super-Earth Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to Jack Russell Terriers, one year and older, which hold a JRTCA Super Earth Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and Second Place winners will be Adult Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Super-Earth Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to Jack Russell Terriers, six years and older, which hold a JRTCA Super Earth Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and Second Place winners will be Veteran Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Super-Earth Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to Jack Russell Terriers, six years and older, which hold a JRTCA Super Earth Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and Second Place winners will be Veteran Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Super-Earth Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Sponsor: Lyle and Janet Pfost
Open to Jack Russell Terriers, nine years and older, which hold a JRTCA Super Earth Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and Second Place winners will be Senior Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Super-Earth Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Open to Jack Russell Terriers, nine years and older, which hold a JRTCA Super Earth Trial Certificate. A copy of the certificate must be submitted with pre-entry or be shown to the Den Steward at the time of the class. First and Second Place winners will be Senior Super Earth Champion and Reserve.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
- Certificate: JRTCA / Trial Super-Earth Certificate
Scoring: Time, Champion, Reserve Champion, and 3rd through 6th
Trailing & Locating
The terrier is judged on ability to follow a line in a simulated natural hunting environment, to locate, mark and open on quarry.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
The terrier is judged on ability to follow a line in a simulated natural hunting environment, to locate, mark and open on quarry.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
The terrier is judged on ability to follow a line in a simulated natural hunting environment, to locate, mark and open on quarry.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
The terrier is judged on ability to follow a line in a simulated natural hunting environment, to locate, mark and open on quarry.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 11y+
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: Kim Russell
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, Champion and Reserve Champion
Sponsor: Kim Russell
Two adult terriers working as a team. Only one entry per team needed.
Sanctioned by: JRTCA
- Age: 12m+
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Lure Coursing (Non-Sanctioned)
Sponsor: Charles & Karen Woods
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 11y+
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Brush Hunt (Non-Sanctioned)
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Sponsor: john and nicki Ohlheiser
- Age: 11y+
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
Thunder Tunnel (Non-Sanctioned)
- Age: 6m-12m
- Height: ≤15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 12m+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 6y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 10"-12½"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 9y+
- Height: 12½"-15"
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th
- Age: 11y+
- Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
Scoring: Time, 1st through 6th